Democratic Republican Party President Election

Day 875, 15:56 Published in USA USA by Angelini
Yes, I am running for President of the DemReps

I have been involved with this party almost since my eBirth way back in February of 2009. Except for a very short stint early in my eLife, I have served this party in some capacity, either as a recruiter, greeter, whip, or, more recently, vice president. When current Party President Cromstar announced that he was not going run for a fourth term, I decided it was time for myself to step up and help carry this party beyond the success that Cromstar has been building.

I have contemplated running in the past, but I always chose to take a more back seat job because of my career in the eUnited States Military. I served as the Commanding Officer of the Training Corps for close to six months. In that time, the officers under me and I turned that organization into the premiere training institution in the eWorld. For the last two months, I have served as a member of the elite Marine Corps, which lays claim to some of the hardest hitters in America. For the past four months I have served as Cromstar’s Vice President. I handled anything and everything that he needed me to handle for him, from messaging party members to helping organize elections. The most recent Congressional Elections saw our best results ever in the history of our party, with twelve seats won. Four of those were from Top 6 and beyond parties, while eight of these seats are current party members. For the past 10 days, I have stood in as acting PP for Cromstar, while he is busy with his RL work. In that time, I have begun to organize blocker candidates to help protect America from PTO threats. After the PP elections, I plan to immediately begin preparing for the Congressional Elections. Anyone interested in running as a real candidate instead as a blocker should message me should I win on the 15th.

I have spoken a lot about what I have done, and now I would like to touch base on what I want to do. For all the success this party has enjoyed in the past, we still have a major flaw. We are not the most member friendly party. There is not much in the way of party communication as well as member activity. As I stated above, I ran the Training Corps for a number of months, and my main job was teaching and keeping people interested and giving them a reason to stick around ad stay active. I will bring all of the knowledge I have learned from my time with the TC to bring about a change in the DemReps. I want to hear what my fellow members think and any ideas they may have to make this experience better for them. Party member Zacharius Axeland has recently brought up the idea of a Department of Fun for the party. He didn’t go into much detail with me at the time, but I want to hear more. More from him and others with ideas. I will invite them all, and I will never shoot down an idea out of turn. I will also work to continue the great success we have had in congressional elections. Preparation is key, and we will be ready.


I have a lot of experience that I want to bring to this party. And if given the chance, I will work to bring about the right kind of change that this party needs.

List of Credentials

Two Term Secretary of Defense (current)
Four Term Democratic Republican Vice President (current)
Former Democratic Republican Recruiter
Former Democratic Republican Greeter
Three Term Congresswoman
Two Term Chairwoman of the Congressional Military Committee
Former Commanding Officer of the United States Training Corps
Goddess of Awesome

Wicked Awesome Endorsement

Party President Cromstar released this article that simultaneously announced his decision to step down as PP, as well as his official endorsement for the next Party Presidential Elections. I would like to thank Cromstar for giving me the opportunity to serve as his Vice President as well as his support in my run for Party President.

Everyone should be aware of a serious PTO threat against the UIP. If you are able to lend assistance, fill out this form.