Democratic Deficit in the New Government

Day 318, 11:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Dhaoine na hÉireann,

I am writing today in response to the recent ratification of the MPP with Canada. While I do agree with the treaty and feel that it is best for eIreland that it is ratified, I feel that a terrible injustice was done to the people of eIreland by not informing the people that this treaty was on the cards.

I feel that the people of eIreland should have had the opportunity of debating the pros and cons of the treaty. I have heard a fair few worries from our citizens about being forced into wars we do not want to be part of and many ar aghast at the lack of democracy in its ratification.

While this was negotiated by the previous Government, I find it shocking that the present administration failed to run this past the new congress. It is frankly disgraceful that a new government's first major act would be so undemocratic.

I seriously hope that this is a one off occurence and that nothing like this will ever happen again.

I also call on the government to place the treaty before the congress for reratification. This treaty needs to be properly debated by the congress and the people need to have their say.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh,
Igor Thunderbrow
President of the Irish Union Party