Democracy in Action

Day 997, 21:48 Published in Canada Canada by jbdivinus


This message is brought to you by former eCanadian presidents jbdivinus and derek harland.

There are lots of things I like, in eRepublik and in real life. The best things are the ones that make me smile, laugh, and put me in an overall good mood. Helping the community is one thing I enjoy more than anything else. Being there to support my teammates, whether it be eCanadians in eRepublik, or friends in RL, is something that I value very highly.

The largest group of eCanadians in eRepublik is not the TCO or the CAF, it is a political party, the Democratic Action League to be precise. If you haven't heard of it, let me tell you a bit about it.

Its huge.
Its democratic.
[insert fluff here]

Also, its missing some fire. As the largest party in eCanada, it should be actively AND publicly helping its members as well as all eCanadians. I applaud crisfire for his hard work on the DAL food for life contest, but I don't think that that is enough for a party of 663 members.

On that note, I would like to announce that I will be running for Party President of the DAL on the 15th.

The DAL executive will include all the people who work hard to make the party what it is. I won't list names, because I will be asking for volunteers. I won't impose any work on anyone. Those who want to make our country better will work with me to do so. They will help me motivate others into helping our great nation.

My VP, or co-PP, will be Derek Harland, a long time DAL member, and former Country President. Together, we have an incredible amount of political experience, and will help the DAL take the next step in fostering a more enjoyable, welcoming community in this country.

If you are interested in helping support this campaign, just send me a pm. Because of the radical changes I intend to bring to the table, this campaign shall be dubbed "PTODAL!"

A full platform will be forthcoming.

Thank you,

"there is only one jb, and its divinus" -Addy Lawrence