Defence Department: June 2012

Day 1,655, 15:28 Published in Switzerland USA by Hale Kane

Well guys, i thought i might change it around a bit as Festool seems to be going with the exact same style/order that i posted my articles last month. :/

Donations of tanks

It will continue this term and we will hopefully extend it to other MUs if I am elected to make it fair for everyone. The amount will either stay at 45q6 tanks per week or maybe increase, really depends as to hope many players ask for free supplies at the end of each week. With this, maybe our allies and enemies will finally see that we have a lot of tanks and a army. 😛

Should have seen German CPs face when winning those resistance battles:

By the way, nothing personal against the German Country President. 😛
This is a joke if no one gets humour.......

Our military army helping in need

Our armies will be on many battlefields next term as we enter the alliance of CoT and we will help our allies the best we can. We fight fear machine guns, or maybe tanks

Now what about this? 😁^ I think many people will enjoy watching eSwitzerland doing this.

As for battles involving us, I will continue to have Minister of Defence supply weapons to “any” eSwitzerland citizen that would like weapons. And I will guarantee you that I will be there in the front lines with you guys to fight our enemy.

Thank you
Current Country President of eSwitzerland
Current Candidate for CP elections in eSwitzerland