Defeat in WA

Day 757, 16:53 Published in Australia New Zealand by Shauny B

Australians woke this morning to discover Western Australia occupied by the Brazilian hordes. Our brave and valiant soldiers were no enough to compete with the last minute arrival of their tanks. Here is how the battle panned out.

As we can see, the wall was very high, until the last 30 minutes, where it dropped right away. The lower graph shows that they delayed fighting at the day change to throw in their troops in the last 30 minutes.

Battle stats:


No. Fighters 1.674
No. fights 10.501
Total damage 1.253.043
Damage/fight 119,33
WP's used 1.753


No. Fighters 2.946
No. fights 16.304
Total damage 1.121.626
Damage/fight 68,79
WP's used 1.245

Stats wise, we seem to win fights and fighters wise. But we are greatly let down by the damage and damage per fight. The wellness points (WP) used show that they were tanking a lot, and this is reflected by their number of fighters. In fact, Brazil had 114 tanks to our 68.

So, Australia, we must learn from WA, and prepare the defences of the NT, before all is lost.

Long live Emperor Cozza!