December 5th Presidential Campaign

Day 370, 18:10 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

Good day Canada. For those of you who do not know me My name is Tantis and I am the current Canadian President and I am running for one last term as President. So far we are doing good, although I have been more in the shadows an mostly administrating from PMs, IRC and Forum threads I am working hard and so is everyone else.

Now its not complete yet so I'm not posting it but here's an outline of what will be included in the Platform for next month.

I. Economy - Continuing the current programs that we have going and others to help the economy and give money back to the people.

II. Defense - We are now getting ready to install Defenses in Canada and this will also be a good part of next months policies and workloads. Also I have a few new ideas to add to the CAF which wont be announced yet until the full platform is out.

III. Foriegn Affairs - Next month the Foriegn Affairs Minister will take more bigger role in Foriegn and Alliance Policy. I have a few ideas that will make this position more of a leadership role than any.

IV. Government - Next month if I win I will be changing the way the entire government is structured along with a final draft of the constitution, both allowing the Canadian Citizen to take initiative in politics. And instead of just the President and Vice President, I'm taking USA's position of Chief of Staff. My VP next month and the Chief of Staff will be members of either CSD or CPP, to continue the cooperative party partisanship. Same will go with next months Cabinet, more members from other parties will be involved.

V. Legislation - Congress next month will be larger. And at this point CPF is coming third in Candidates. With CSD pulling the lead and CPP in second. I have one plan that will add more to Legislation and one that will get more of the populace involved.

VI. Constitution - As was said earlier in the outline a final draft will be posted on the forums and publicly so that it may be viewed and amended as the citizens and congress sees fit.

Over the past months we have talked about change. Canada you already made change last month when you chose me as your President, change has begun and is on its way. Next month we aim for progress. I made a goal to make Canada, a Military Power, Political Power and and Economic Paradise. With next months platform I promise you we will be one step closer to that goal.

Tantis - Canada's Current President
Presidential Candidate December 5th 2008
Leader of Canadian Progressive Front