Debate: import tax of food

Day 619, 05:49 Published in Slovakia Brazil by Danie! Moreno]

Graccius placed in debate and vote on the change in rates of food. Used the following arguments:

"I think that we've to rise the taxes in our country ...
We've to increase import tax you to avoid the import in Slovakia ...

I thougth:

Value added tax (VAT) 1%
Import tax 80%
Income Tax 1%

What do you think? "


In my opinion, this is an excellent proposal. Our community and the democratic community, where people need to be aware what is the best alternative. We do not impose anything.

What is expected of a Communist government? It was expected that our congressman elevated rates of income tax and VAT. But is not our interest. We are in a transitional period. Our intention is, at present, protect the local factories.

Vote with conscience. This proposal is important for our country.