Dear Iranian brothers & sisters , hello !

Day 1,281, 11:42 Published in Iran North Macedonia by Makedonec3

Long time ago, back in V1 Makedonec3 was born in Russia.Because we (Macedonians) didn't have our own country, we were living in Russia, Turkey, Indonesia...After registering I saw that Iran is also a brother to us.We were signing petitions for adding Macedonia in erepublik, and interviews with the President's of the Countries were very important.I moved to Iran, and got a citizenship.I remember the current president of Iran was General Reza.I asked some questions for him, and it was like spamming not asking questions lol 😃

Today I join eIran again, and I hope for a long time.Maybe some of you don't know me, but you will get me know better in the next period.Open for questions and everything, just sent me a message, or find me on IRC (Rizon - nick Makedonec3).


P.S Waiting support from eIran in the battle against Greece \o/ -