Dear Indonezians.

Day 554, 23:36 Published in Indonesia Romania by Memo

For all of you common people, i have all the respect, you are a great nation.
I understand the fact that it might be frustrating for you to see in each morning when you wake up a load of articles written in a language that you don't know. We felt this also. The thing is, we are not waging a war with the common eIndonesian people, but we are waging war with the current leaders of eIndonesia. Leaders who decided is more fun to cheat than to play this game fair. We love the game of war with eIndonesia, because after all, this is a game. And i and my colleagues believe that each and every single person has the right to play this game as it was meant to be playe😛 in a fair and funny manner. Cheating is not fair, and by hell, not funny either.

I hereby make a call for all the Indonesians who are getting tired of all of this, to help us to help you.

Best wishes for all of you,
Memo, Congressman of eIndonesia.

Later edit: I see that some of your neighbors are already feeling the chair under their power moving away. It's up to you, the HONEST fellow indonesian to take out the power from the hands of the not worthy players, that decided to play unfair this game. By doing this they took all the fun away from you, by forcing us to politically take over your country, in order to deny them the access to the tools of power the country has. It's up to you to put it in the right hands: YOUR HANDS. When you will elect the president, elect some one that can put this country on it's right path. The path of honesty and fairplay. Come and share the fun with us. Share the fun by showing to those dishonest players that their ruling has come to an end!
Long live Indonesia! Long live Victor Petrescu! Long live Matzanesia - The ruling elite!
We bring back the fun in ruling the countries!