Dear eRepublik

Day 995, 21:07 Published in Canada Canada by jbdivinus

I'm not really sure why I'm writing this again, and I'm still not sure to whom I'm addressing this article. I wrote it once, and the game logged me out when I clicked publish. Just one of the many flaws in erepublik. But, I guess that makes this article even more necessary. If you care about this game, take the time to read what I have to might even find yourself in agreement.

I've been playing eRepublik for just over two second erepublik birthday was less than a week ago. Since the very first beta, all the way through to V2 rising, I've been here. I have been in most cabinet positions. I've been a congress member. I've been a country president. I've been in the CAF elites, regulars, rangers, and reserves. I've won a media mogul medal and a battle hero award. For a while, I was even running EDEN.

Why do I start with that? Its not an ego trip. I began this game as a regular yet ambitious n00b, writing articles left and right, being totally clueless. With hard work, dedication, and patience, I advanced throughout the game and achieved so much.

I just want you to know, that I have experienced it. All of it. I know how you feel. I sympathize, and have a message for you.

To the have made your point. You have made it multiple times over. Yet you have not made a point that hasn't been made thousands of times over. Everyone, admins included, knows that there are serious issues with the game. I understand your frustration. I even applaud your efforts to show the admins exactly how bad things are. But I can't condone striking out against the players. The proportions to which you have made this madness extend is atrocious. You have essentially ruined the game, not for the admins, because they find "nothing wrong", but for the players. Entire PHOENIX nations have been ruined by this terrorism. Businesses around the world will be laid to waste because of you selling thousands of products for free in an already oversaturated market. Even more thousands of players will quit because you took their gold, changed their passwords, and ruined their game. I ask you to do your best to repair the damage you have done. Your point is made. Your fellow players are suffering.

To the admins..what is there to say. You run a business. A business in which each player is a number, a statistic, potential profit. There is no denying that. Conversely, you run a game, the purpose of which is to create enjoyment and community for its players. You are fortunate to have such an incredible and loyal player base, willing to stick by this game despite all that has been done to it. You must understand, a happy community will put more time and effort into this game, as well as more money. Gold traps like lana and boosters. are not a sustainable long term solution to making your finances look good on paper. I apologize for how the community treats you. I know that it is not a game of players vs admins, but many other players seem to forget that. If we want to make this game better, it is something that needs to be done as a community; not only of players, but of all those who care about eRepublik, admins included. This may be your job, but the hours put into this game by many players are more than equal to the hours put in by the administration. We care, a lot. And we want to help. If you want to make this game better, let us help. I won't tell you what to do, but I want you to let me help. What I don't want is to be forced into a new version of the game where I can't survive without spending gold, where I can't fight without bankrupting myself. eRepublik is founded on a great concept, one that is inviting to players new and old, one that is sustainable in terms of enjoyment for players, and profits for investors. Complicating it should be done only after thought, and communication with the player base. Please, admins, feel free to send me a message so we can talk personally about how to improve our game. I won't fight you, but if things aren't fixed, I won't be around forever. I can help. This community can help. We are here to support you, because helping you helps us. We all love this game, and will do what it takes to fix it. Tell us how we can work as a team of equals to help, and I promise you you will gain a new sense of admiration and appreciation for these players.

To the players....I am so sorry. Throughout its existence, eRepublik has rarely been through times where it could be called a great time. There have always been bumps along the road, bugs, delayed ticket responses, etc... but the game was still fun. That is because of you. The players. eRepublik provides an opportunity to make real friendships, and to really get to know people. The admins have always tested the strength of the community, putting the onus on us to make the game work. We have always pulled through. With the launch of V2, this is getting more and more difficult to do, players are dropping off the map like flies, bugs and hacks are more frequent than ever before, and to our tickets, we still get the same response; "We have checked the issue, and have found that there is nothing wrong".

Well, there is something wrong. In fact, there are many things wrong. We can't hope to fix all of them, and we are powerless against the forces that work against us. I don't mean EDEN, or PHOENIX, but the entire eRepublik community. We are all in this together. We don't need a blackout, a strike, or anything more that will harm the game. Enough damage has been done already. It is by peace, and helping each other and the admins, that we have a chance to restore this game to the place it should and could be at. Those of us still here are here because we have hope, no matter how quickly it is fading, that eRepublik has the potential to once again be enjoyable, and not depressing.

Once again, I just want to say that we are fighting the wrong war. It is not players vs admins. Engaging in that conflict only makes it more difficult for us to work together to improve the game.

I don't know what to expect from this article. It certainly means a lot to me, though I doubt many will actually read it. If you are one of my readers, I want to thank you. I hope you can appreciate my perspective on this, and I hope you find yourself agreeing.

If you have respect for this article, please, comment. Then, tell one of your erepublik friends to read it. I am interested in neither votes nor subscriptions, but in stopping this terrible in-fighting. We are a mature community, one of the best gaming communities I know of. We do have the power to help this game achieve its potential..but only if we can disregard alliance disputes, play honorably, and see each other for the positive influence on erepublik that each and every citizen truly is.

Thank you,