Dear eMalaysian citizens

Day 1,257, 10:39 Published in Malaysia USA by Megatronous Prime

Dear eMalaysian citizens,
I’m tired of living in a country with a low population of players. Thus I have come forth with an Idea to create a video competition to advertise Emalaysia .

What do you say citizens? We are in search for the most original video with elements of Emalaysia. We would like to see your creativity in promoting our Ecountry .The video would then be judge by several judges and the best and most original video would win the competition price of certain number of golds. We haven’t decided yet the amount of gold; I’m writing this for the sole reason of discussing the amount of prize and the rules for this competition.

Please type in the comments for ideas and regulation.
Hmm..The first rule is that you must upload the video on YouTube to be judge by the judges 😃