Dear citizens of eNigeria

Day 2,375, 09:42 Published in Nigeria Spain by Leinster

My name is Leinster. I am one of the few RL citizens of Nigeria (I am in possession of two nationalities.)

Today I am here to welcome you to our land, and I say OUR land because I would be a fool if I thought that this land only belongs to RL nigerians. We all are very lucky, for we have the opportunity to have a new beginning where we all can work together for the betterment of eNigeria.

I know that everything is quite confusing at the moment. No one trusts other people, and that is understandable. But remember that now we have to row in the same direction or our country will be wiped out from eRepublik in the following days/weeks.

Please, do not haste creating parties, militias and wasting your resouces in futile efforts. It is time to sit toguether in the same table and talk to our comrades. To plan and lay the foundation of eNigeria's future

To conclude, I would like to highlight something that you should not forget:

Think no more about the place you come from. eNigeria is now your eNation.