Dear citizens of eMalaysia!

Day 1,591, 14:20 Published in Malaysia Serbia by drago.14
All Hail Hupakolas, the God Emperor!

As you all noticed, hupakolasism is spreading rapidly in eMalaysia. It is unstoppable and thus the time has come to convert the whole country into the paradise of the hupakolasist cult.

In order to reach our goals, hereby I declare that I am running for president of eMalaysia.

To prove that our intention is serious and to help the decision of uncertain eMalaysians, now I sketch our programme:

1. Renaming the regions of eMalaysia to Vecsés. Yes, all regions will be called Vecsés. I have already contacted the admins, they did not seem willing to rename the regions, but sooner or later everybody will bow down to the will of the great God Emperor.

2. Declaring war on the United Kingdom. The aim of this holy war is to take the secret knowledge of constructing Tescos from the Brits.

3. Building Tescos everywhere in eMalaysia.

4. Conquering the Czech Republic. Our invincible army will continue its way to the Czech Republic. As this country is currently under slovakian control, we will conquer both Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Our special unit, the Imperial Royal Guard will hunt down the possessors of the mysterious recipe of czech beer and will bring them to our capital, Vecsés.

5. Unlimited beer in our Tescos. No explanation needed.

6. Get wasted.

7. Get wasted again.

8. Destroy Albania. Because nobody likes women with beard.

As everybody can see, our programme is the one and only way to the rise of eMalaysia to true power. Our fearless war leaders, wise scientists and hupakolasist priests are the guarantee for success.

Your only job is to vote for me, Clint Fuckin Eastwood on the 5th of April!

All hail Hupakolas, the God Emperor!