Dear citizen of eDenmark

Day 761, 01:48 Published in Denmark Romania by Nero Superbus
Dear citizen of eDenmark,

I am Nero Superbus, president of the Communist Party of Denmark. I’m writing to you because I have some questions to ask:

- Do you want state sponsored services that give you gifts and a home to stay to cool down in the summer and to warm up in the winter?
- Do you want an active state school program that will teach you what is eRepublik about and help you get acknowledged with everyone and everything?
- Do you want to take eDenmark out of it’s current state of stagnation and collaborate with an active government?
- Do you want national competitions and awards for extraordinary citizens?

If the answer to those questions is mostly yes, then I invite you to vote me in the congress elections in Sjaelland because I will strive for those things and more things which can be found in the CPD program.

The first step towards a better eDenmark is to vote active people who will work to do things better and initiate good actions for the Danish people. That’s why I’m expecting you to come to vote on day 760 or the 25th of December the active and working people that compose the Communist Party of Denmark.

With respect and hope towards a better future,
Nero Superbus