Dear Canada,

Day 1,857, 04:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

Here in the eUK, we've found ourselves in the unfortunate situation of being at war with you and, oh, I don't know how to put this, totally swamped a couple of your regions. But don't worry, it's the early stages of the war!

I realise that Christmas is a time of giving, and goodwill to all men. It would be silly to disregard this just because we're invading you. You're just fellow eRepublikers, and I thought I'd take it upon myself to break the ice and give you all a nice prezzie.

It's not Christmas day yet, but please feel free to open this early. Here you go:

One white flag for you!

It's a present with many uses, but one of the most fun is to display unconditional surrender! I know it's your present now, but it might be worth using it on us, before we're kickin' it right here in your capital.

Merry Christmas 🙂

EDIT: I thought I could publish this in Canada by changing location. Never mind!