Dear allies

Day 1,291, 04:49 Published in Croatia Croatia by Vjekoslav1701

This article is for all of Croatia's allies. I see that some think we sold out others by this peace with Serbia but I'm saying now, we sold out NOTHING.

We can't always be those that will try to stop Serbia or hold her on a leash. We simply don't want to deal with them most of the time. If you walked trough the streets and asked any citizen would he want do deal with Serbs he would say no, most of us don't even want any border with them, we would be happiest if they were half way across the Earth.

I fought for you just as I would if we were fighting against Serbia, a lot of damage was made by us in the battles.

I won't write 20 pages of explanations because we deserve the right to do something more with our country than being a thorn in Serbia's eye, we deserve more...