Dead politics in South Korea

Day 1,044, 11:11 Published in South Korea USA by Wladimir Rascian

Dear brothers and sisters, citizens of Korea,

I wanted to write this long ago, but somehow there were always some other things which prevented me from doing what was my intention for many months now.

Our population is not active, that's a fact, but what concernes me is that our numbers are shrinking. Number of dead citizens is increasing drasticly.

Only half of Revolutionary Counterweight Party are actually living citizens of Korea, others are either dead or near dea😛

Veritas Causidicus (acting President of Korea)
JaFe (Party President)
Athasnim (well known citizen of Korea)
Yonai Keiko (Queen of Korea, Mistress of Jeju)
wuggy, don't know the guy, but he seems to be healthy for now.

There are things we can do to change this,
The first thing that came to me is that, each party, as most common type of organisation, should take care of its members, not only adress to them during voting hours.

Party presidents can appoint one party member to follow progress of his colleagues, and deliver food to those who cannot afford it.
This is the least one can do as a sign of respect towards a party, which will bring him Congress medal one day.

If someone wants to be a politician, than it is his duty to contribute to his own society and help those who aren't capable to take care of themselves.

Doing things like that is what makes difference between medal-hunters (commonly recognised as bastards) and good guys (fair and honest citizens).

Think about that 😉

Always yours,
Wladimir Rascian