Day 891 UPDATE2: Battle Orders: Let's have a deja vu in Southern Great Plain

Day 891, 02:13 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
Today, EDEN and allied forces liberated the region of Heilongjiang, also referred to as Hello Kitty, from Hungary - bringing this high iron region back under Chinese control where it belongs. We are also pleased to announce that Spain just recently pushed Brazil out of the Canary Islands. Croatia secured Southern Great Plain, and war efforts were focused on the battle between Spain and Brazil in Andalucia.

UPDATE2: Hungary is determined to lose some more to EDEN brotherhood.
Go to work & train (if you need to) and then fight in:

Southern Great Plain

If you are not member of congress, can afford moving tickets and can move freely, any combat assistance for our valued ally Poland in Western Transdanubia is highly appreciated.

Norwegian mech infantry troops are on their way back
to Southern Great Plain. This time, we're pissed off!