Day 666, BREAKING NEWS ... Is that the Merlion !?!

Day 665, 18:08 Published in Singapore USA by Arbryn


Dear eSingaporean citizens and those reading from around the eWorld,

I, President Arbryn am bringing you this unfortunate news report directly due to its importance regarding our beloved Merlion, mascot to eSingapore and Q5 Defense System to our homeland.

Before I go any further let us please remember our Merlion for what he was.

Caption: Our beloved Merlion on an average day.

Caption: Merlion running defensive training operations with the SAF.

After a moment of pause to remember we request deeply that you all remain indoors until this situation can be confirmed as brought under containment and keep tuned to the news for further details.

As the evening of day 665 of the new world approached we had begun to receive reports from the Merlion Park employee's that the Merlion was having some sort of problem. Early news reports were indicating a "technical malfunction" was apparently evident in the Defense Systems and perhaps some sort of repair would be in order.

However the reality of the situation could not be any more dire, as the engineers continued to examine the Merlion deeper into the evening they realized something else was happening. Originally they believed perhaps there was some external group or force tampering with Singapore's Defense System. So extra professional help was brought to the scene and the area evacuated as this posed a security risk.

After further examination this was determined not to be the case, but something was clearly wrong and this only confused technicians & SAF engineers further. So the area remained evacuated and research into the problem continued.

Then came the strike of midnight, day 666 of the new world.

Those individuals who were later questioned about the incident would indicate that at this moment the Merlion "just came to life".

How this came to be we have no idea but the incident is now being called the "MerDevil disaster!"

I know this may be hard to grasp but all reports indicate this as factual.

The initial reports would indicate that shortly after "removing" himself from his perch the Merlion started to emanate a Dark Red Hue and Bright yellow eyes as he just started to float in mid air. Shortly after floating he started to move and headed directly for Esplanade Theatre across the waterway.

One technician swears he heard the Merlion speak something along the lines of "Me stare at you no more!!" as he approached he proceeded to destroy external sections of the famed structure.

However people on the scene would tell us that this did not last long, that the Merlion appeared to be getting weak very quickly and just as quickly as he started he lost his focus on the Theatre and headed off into the City.

Caption: Merlion heading past the Citylink Mall

SAF officials were quick to pursue the Merlion for now they had reason to believe he was indeed hostile and containment personal were called onto the scene.

This chase did not last long though as it appeared the Merlion was simply heading directly to the Convention Centre. As SAF troops approached cautiously to examine what the Merlion was doing they noticed that he seemed to be "feeding" from the Fountain of Wealth so they held a perimeter and called in reinforcements.

Having recently arrived on the scene some time later and admittedly simply confused at the incident the SAF Commander in charge Relorian ordered one of his soldiers to move closer and get more details on what EXACTLY the Merlion was doing at the Fountain.

As the Soldier approached slowly he swears before he startled the Merlion that he could hear the noises "Nom Nom Nom ... poowwwweerrrrr ... Nom Nom Nom" coming from the Merlion.

Having been startled the Merlion quickly fled away seemingly with a greatly renewed energy. The SAF soldiers having been previously told of how slow the Merlion was were completely caught off guard as he quickly flew past them in a northerly direction.

Caption: Merlion fleeing North through little India.

With the renewed energy the SAF soldiers were unable to keep up with the Merlion as he fled North and quickly lost sight of him through Novena.

It was not long however that a concerned citizen phoned in that " I think I see a red .. Mer..lion? .. heading into .. the Nature Reserve ?.. " in the center of the island where it seems he has decided to go into hiding.

Commander Relorian states that "The Merlion will be found and subdued" but only time can tell. So I must ask again for all residents to please remain indoors and keep tuned to the news until this situation can be resolved.

Further News will be released as details become available about the...

MerDevil Disaster, Day 666 of the new world...

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Previous related news articles in the Merlion adventures.

Boethiah's article
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~ President Arbryn
