Day 640. My how things have changed.

Day 640, 00:24 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

Hello Israel.

The world is a different place. Violence rages across the globe, and nations are being pulled apart day by day.PEACE forces have rushes across many different countries, and Spain was the latest victim.

Yes, that's right. Spain is the second nation that has recently lost all their regions, the first being Canada. The regions were taken so easily it makes me wonder whether fighting this war is worth it, or all our effort is for naught. But unlike Canada, I do not think Spain will regain it's regions as quickly as Canada did.France is controlling those regions with an iron fist, and most Eden and Fortis forces will be focusing on Florida, taking the focus away from Spain. The cruel humor is that the same gold that Spain gave to PEACE was used to completely obliterate their nation.

America is on the verge of falling. Russia will take the rest of the northern states within days.After that, we can expect silence on the North American Front. In this silence, Indonesia and Portugal will be making their decision. Will they keep to the treaty, or will they deliver the final, crippling blow to the United States of America? Will they crush a nation, or will they give it a chance to redeem itself?

Whatever the choice, around the world battles will still flare. Northern Croatia is being attacked, and it will no doubt be the first of many. Will Croatia be PEACE's next victim? Maybe. Only time will tell.

So, where do we play a part in this? Will be an ally, one of the last to fall underneath the PEACE horde, or will we finally succumb to PEACE's demands, a notion that would have been considered treason and heresy a few months ago, is now a very apparent option. Although not a single one of us support this option, it may become more likable in the coming months. Our possible MPP proposal with Turkey was our first step. We chose the fate of our country over anything else, a very good choice, which some might argue was a horrible choice, and that we should fight to the death.

We will see what happens. But for now, these next months, all of us will be mulling over our options and our decisions will no doubt have a ripple effect on our future as a country, as a people.

News. The way it's meant to be said.