Day 552- World Review

Day 552, 09:35 Published in USA USA by n4n0

Well the world is a mess. ATLANTIS has pretty much dissolved, Germany is almost conquered, and South Korea is conquered. Let's start with Germany. With Sweden and Poland double teaming them, they have no chance. Then there's South Korea and Japan. Well actually, there's only Japan now.

Congressional elections are today. Who are you voting for? There's also the chance the President Scrabman will run for a 3rd term. Let's pray he does.

Well if you own any KRW you're pretty much screwed.

Same with the DEM since Poland and Sweden are unloading on them.

The JPY seems to be going down so you would be smart to hold on to it if you have any. It's definitly a good time to by JPY because it may go back up.

The USD is up which is a suprise.

The CNY is going down due to some large offers and it may take some time for it to go back up.

There's not much LTL being sold so excpect it to spike pretty soon.

The SEK might pick up today because of their new territory.

Today's biggest spike was the MXN at +44.4%.
Today's biggest loser was a tie between the CNY and the KRW at -14.3%.

To sum up the world- CRAP