Day 31- Blow (them up)

Day 660, 10:26 Published in USA USA by Tornertem

Colombia has claimed Texas and Missouri. They're going for California. I'm trying to figure out, though, why we aren't being told to right them. It looks to me as though we're gladly losing our regions to the Colombians and instead punching the Russians as hard as we can. Is it just a matter of revenge? Or is there a bigger strategy I'm simply not seeing?

The only real strategy I can see in this is that perhaps Emerick figures that it's harder to grab this land from the Russians, and that the Colombians are easily removed later. But that's not definite. I don't know for sure what's going on.

According to the citizen orders, Colombia is a distraction. Well, of course they are, but are they after a common PEACE goal? If they're not (I have no idea), then what if they build up defenses in our nation? But again, what if Russia is doing just that?

So... Yeah. Paranoid theories abound in this edition. Hope you enjoyed reading it.
Tune in next time, when I list something entirely random to amuse myself!