Day 1657 - Titans clash as the war in Europe rages on.

Day 1,657, 13:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Norfolk

Poland repel American attack.
China brace for Serbian attack.
Spain wiped as Portugal clears up shop.
Turkey and Greece under threat of wipe.

Poland fight off American attack in US prime time

The Polish empire as of day 1657

Poland have remained strong throughout American prime time to successfully defeat a United States attack. The credit for this victory must go down to fellow ONE members as well as the strong Polish defence, the United States are a hard enemy to defeat in their prime time, which just shows the raw power of ONE forces.

China delay Serbian invasion

The direction of attack when the Resistance War ends.

China have delayed the Serbian invasion with the effective use of a Resistance War after being beaten to the button by four seconds. Yesterday China gained a border with ONE powerhouse, Serbia, leading to an extremely close Natural Enemy proposal shoot out which saw Serbia hit the button first by a mere four seconds. Not accepting defeat, the Chinese launched a Resistance War in their one bordering region meaning the Serbians could not invade, pushing the invasion back into Chinese prime time.

Spain wiped off the map

Spain under the occupation of China - yellow, Portugal - green, and the United States - purple.

Spain have been wiped off the map after the joint invasion by Chinese and Portuguese forces came to a close. However a Resistance war has already been started and is likely to succeed with strong ONE backing.

Bulgaria and Macedonia continue run of victories

Bulgaria and Macedonia are purple and green respectively.

Bulgaria have continued their invasion into the heartlands of Turkey without resistance after being wiped only a week ago. The ONE nation is currently showing no signs of slowing and could have Turkey completely subdued within half a week.

Meanwhile, Bulgarian allies, Macedonia are also faring well against Greece with a string of victories giving them three Greek original regions as it stands. With both wars going well for the ONE nations it seems TEDEN are running out of options with which to help their Eastern European members.

That's all for now. Please vote and subscribe and I'll write another article soon, until then, farewell.

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