Day 1626 PTO Threat Level

Day 1,626, 10:02 Published in USA USA by JLake4

In Today's Article:

1) RCP Explosion
2) Introducing the PTO Threat Scale

Reagan Conservative Party (eUS Democratic Party) Explosion

As I've been watching the PTO'ers over the past few days, in the previous 36 hours a series of interesting events has taken place in the eUS Democratic Party.

Foremost, it is no longer the eUS Democratic Party. It has become the Reagan Conservative Party. That factors in later.

Secondly, the party's population has exploded in the past 36 hours. It's gone from 52 to 105, as of the printing of this article.

Third, as I documented the members of the eUSDP/RCP, toward the end of the list I began to run into a lot of low-level Americans, and among them, of course, was that perpetual cancer of the eUnited States, General Cartman Lee.

Picture😛 General Cartman Lee

Therefore, using my Holmes-like powers of deduction, I can assume that an exchange has gone between General Cartman Lee and milidragovic (PP of the eUSDP/RCP) that has facilitated a merger between their two forces in an effort to either: 1) elect a CP; or 2) vault into the Top 5. The only sticking point to this agreement would have been, naturally enough, the name, since General Cartman Lee would never work with those most vile Democrats!

Pure evil.

So we can expect the 70 or so Serbian/Bulgarian PTO'ers to merge with General Cartman Lee's people and achieve decent numbers, if not enough to accomplish anything. They'll still be too many.

Threat Scale

And today I'll also reveal my primitively drawn yet straightforward PTO Threat Scale, which I did draw in MS Paint using the rectangle tool and paint bucket. Don't judge.

So in my future issues I'm going to lead with this, and will have a box highlighted denoting the general PTO threat. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like blue will ever get used. Here's today's PTO Threat Level and Explanation:

While I'm a cynic and a pessimist and all those things, I thought it would be best to orient the scale around a PTO threat level relative to the average threat level and not an ideal threat level of 0 PTO'ers. If not, it'd be in the red every day.

Today the PTO Threat Level is "Heightened". This is because of the not entirely surprising merger of the eUSDP and whatever conservatively named party General Cartman Lee was the head of. It also is heightened because Congressman Weezly of Alabama has let in two more Serbians/Bulgarians and it reminded me we have two PTO Congressmen.

In closing, it's lucky for we Americans that our tormentors are so foolish as to organize into a simple party so we can somewhat accurately gauge their strength and find their friends. It is ironic that their mission to defeat us from within also makes them very vulnerable.

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