Day 157: Nippon Report: South Koreans and Gifts

Day 157, 13:44 Published in Japan Japan by Yamato Suzuki
Welcome, South Koreans
Japan recently took a region holding a lot of Koreans, so welcome, new citizens of Japan.
I think it’ll be great to work with a lot of new people, and I’m ready to take criticism about the occupation.
If you have questions about anything you can feel free to message me, Muira Fore, Origineel.NL, Avalon or Firefly.
I will try to make sure that every new citizen has work within the field he wants, and I'm currently organizing a gift movement all by myself to keep everyones wellness up.
Remember that Japanese parties will need local mayor candidates for regions in South Korea and vice versa, so feel free to switch around between parties.

I'm currently out of gifts, but I just received 30 gold for selling a company. I'll send 2 gold to people who really need wellness and are under 10% wellness.