Day 156: Nippon Report: War, Companies, Wellness, Donations and South Koreans

Day 156, 09:33 Published in Japan Japan by Yamato Suzuki
The War So Far
A Japanese citizen said things hadn't been going good for Japan, but I completely disagree.
The Koreans have won more fights than us, but their strongest seem to have exhausted themselves.
Our troops will be able to recover more quickly thanks to our hospitals and gifts.

Thinking of starting a company? Don’t.
We don’t need more companies, we need workers.

Lost Wellness?
If you live in Sapporo or Tokyo you can visit the local hospital and get 10% wellness back.
If that isnt enough; contact me and you’ll get 10% worth of gifts.
You can visit the hospital here:

Odd Donations
Some of you might’ve noticed that the National Bank of Japan has given me some donations.
I’m not cheating or anything, I’m just getting more yen so I can afford buying gifts and sharing them around.
Origineel.NL also received 42 gold so he can upgrade his weapon company to Q3.

South Koreans
South Koreans who are willing to move to Japan during this war will receive a bonus amount of yen.
I haven’t decided how much yet, but I’m thinking around 45 yen.
It isn’t a lot, but it will get you on better terms with us.
There is also an exchange offer up that allows you to trade in the South Korean currency for yen.