Day 12- New Job, Old Problems

Day 641, 12:15 Published in USA USA by Tornertem

I had a decent job from Florida. Then I made a nasty discovery:

None of my money would work here in Russia. Not a dime. I've still got all my American savings, but I've had to take a Russian job to get enough to feed myself. I've applied for two moving tickets from Flying Unicorn. But I don't know how much good it will do. It'll take time.

I have no food, and my wellness is slowly declining. Thanks to some comments on the previous article, I can happily say that the Russians are chatting about voluntary pictures. I translated the highest voted article and thats what it was. Voluntary something-to-do-with-pictures. I didn't get it either.

Hopefully at my new income level I might be able to get some food and a couple moving tickets.