Day 1 of the 44th eUS Congress

Day 1,345, 00:00 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze

Good evening everyone, Congressman Heero Blaze of Michigan here to give a small update on Congress. First off, I’d like to give a special thanks to all my supporters and the Federalist Party.

Now to business. As per my promise to keep the citizens in-formed in game, I’ll give a short overview of Congressional business today.

I. Congressional Sign-In

Every Congress begins with a sign-in. click here for sign-in thread. So far thirty-nine out of forty-two members have checked-in. Who has not signed-in? TitreyenBayus (INCI), Flying Trotsky (SFP), and Haliman (AMP). All in all, not a bad first sign-in.

II. Congressional Medal Donations

Five shiny pieces of Gold for each Congressman!

Traditionally, Congressmen and women have donated the 5 Gold they received upon election to various organization that keep America strong. Want to know where some of that gold has gone so far? Then click here!. So far, eight Congressmen have given forty gold to various militias and military organizations. Where will my gold go? Find out next issue!

III. Speaker of the House Nominations

This chair must be filled!

Each Congress elects a Speaker of the House to help facilitate discussion and keep things rolling. Today we began the nomination process. So far, Cromstar, Lexluthor1, gnilraps, and chickenguys have received at least one nomination (the current requirement is five). Proceedings continue here, find out who gets enough nominations next issue.

IV. Today’s Proposals

Two proposals were issued today.
1. Donate 99999USD to the Congressional Budget Office. Proposed by Haliman. This is a standard proposal and will pass.
2. Citizen Fee Change from 5 USD to 35 USD. Proposed by Flying Trotsky. This is NOT a standard proposal and did not go through normal Congressional procedures. Note that Flying Trotsky has not signed-in. This proposal will not pass.

Thank you for your time.