Darrel Anderson 2 Still Pals with Pizza the Hut?

Day 1,053, 18:11 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

I came into this race for the American Defense and Trade Party Party President with great campaign tactics. I was not aware of the emotion warfare involved in this at all. It hit me by my blind side. You get hurt personally, and sometimes you say things not needed to be expressed. With that being said, I proclaimed word to my opponent, Darrel Anderson 2, publicly that I wish I could take back.

Written in his recently published political manifesto, I was plain mudslinging debris at his candidacy. I am so sorry for the words that I said. I've always tried to play my candidacy on the offense, but is a very thick line between playing offense and just flat out trolling. Yesterday, I crossed that line. While I don't personally like Darrel Anderson 2, I should have respected him. I let people down.

What occurred was something I could not control. After several days of tension mixed in with rage and revenge, I snapped. You see, a few days prior, he came to me privately and asked to form a "PAC". When I nicely declined, he accused me of being rude. Furthermore, he also said we should not PM each other anymore for his safety. Unfortunately, I don not have the screenshots to back this up, but I cam clean today. I hope you do also Darrel Anderson 2.

With that off my hairy hobbity chest, I will still continue my offensive theme, but I will try my hardest not to show any hard-edged disrespect. In Darrel Anderson 2's latest political manifesto, he wrote some interest things rivaling my own. In this article, I will pick out some parts of it and tell him some open views.

"I was able to set a stable party government and put us on a path distancing ourselves from Pizza the Hut". What is there to say? The Republican Party in eRepublik was an interesting party indeed. For the most part, it was a smaller party with its own batch of active players. What separated the Republican Party from the rest of them was how often Pizza the Hut was PTOing it.

If you cannot defend yourself from a Political Takeover, that party has no right to exist. The goal of any party is one day becoming a Top 5 Party, but it is competition. You said that you distanced yourself from him, but why did you let him get in as Party President in the first place? Not only did you just ruin your own party, you just compromised national security.

"Nixon has the executive and legislative experience needed to assist in the reformation of this great party". His executive experience is alright, not too bad. He's been in the Country President's cabinet one time and been involved in party politics for the rest Now this is the part that ticks me off.

When it comes to legislative experience, he has none. He has been in Congress for this one term, and it has been only around half of the term over. You don't get much experience from that. Anyways, in my opinion, he is not that active as a Congressman either. Sure, he might have been in the Model Congress, but they don't do crap, and they know it. They usually do lulz discussions.

"So I immediately went to work and the doc. has already been created, and we are already getting applications today".Oh really? You created a forum topic about this on the American Defense and Trade Party Forums on Tuesday for Congressional applicants. You said it would be done the next day. It never happened. I mean come on, it's Friday! At least get something that simple done.

"But this company clearly does not make profits for us". You were referring to our ticket company. You clearly have no idea what that company provides for us. It was not designed to gain us funds, but to save us much needed money when it comes to moving time.

Not to mention some simple grammar mistakes in your article, that's just a few interesting things I found in there. I would suggest you to go over that platform and revise it. When you are ready, publish a new one because I honestly didn't think that was a final version. By the way Darrel Anderson 2, why are you still friends with Pizza the Hut?