Dark times, dark times

Day 1,265, 20:58 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

I can remember when it was like this. The media was not eDead at all, but rather there was an irreplaceable silence that plagued our voices and opinions. Some days, someone felt light hearted enough and was able to write something rather thoughtful, but it never felt complete without ever reaching more than 20 votes. Indeed, the media was not dead but rather there were very few survivors.

Then the light shone upon South Korea again...

With words that reminiscent every detail of the first messenger, again he brought the light upon the sacred land which the moon had slowly tried to cover.

I tried to follow and ended up in a temple of worshipers, though these worshipers I must have already known. They welcomed me, to bathe in the light/bask in the glow so that I may remove any evidence of ever having stepped foot on the land covered by the moon.

Although now the temple remains in a lost dimension, let's not forget that the Sun King is always watching upon us, lest we forget.

Yeah, this is some pretty Sirius business.