Dante for ESO PP (contains normal dante smut)

Day 2,060, 07:58 Published in United Kingdom Israel by dante643

G’day, I’m here to ask for your votes for ESO PP, before you go ‘oh god that guy with soft-core photos’…well yes that guy with the soft-core photos, but I have a serious side, so here goes my Presentation. I’ll be covering three things in this presentation, Communication, Congress and Eat Some Omelette with added competitions.

deal with it

What I promise for ESO members in the continuation of Eat Some Omelette for ESO members under level 29 to be provided with 1500 Health a week out of my own expense and any donations made by other members, this food will be donated automatically to members by myself weekly, further I plan to include free competitions including Name-That-OldF@g and a Free Lottery, prizes provided by myself of course.

Quality of food may vary, may contain traces of BAAWW

I find communication to be important for any community, for this reason I will be releasing weekly reports with member spotlight section which will be a short interview with a member of ESO, Congress report from our Congressmen and competitions for ESO members to join, also probably something educational


As for Congress I’ll be looking to run at least three ESO congressmen with hands out-stretched to smaller parties that wish to have Congressmen, ESO has a strong voter turn-out and as such will be expected to secure a certain amounts of seats, in particular I would reach out to UKPP incase they fall out of the top 5 due to their generosity last term as well as the Skatalite Party and various others.

something, something, Congress

Thankyou for reading