Dante for Congress

Day 946, 16:15 Published in USA Hungary by Dante Alagherii

Today I have to talk about five points


1. This month's Congress

2. My run for Congress

3. Loss of Karnataka

4. New ally on the horizon

5. Free trade ftw


1. This month's Congress

So in this past month, 57 Congressmen were elected. With a week to go before the next Congressional elections, a vote was held on a bill. Only 10 Congressmen voted. As there was no quorum, the Speaker of the House shut down the Congress until the next month.


2. My run for Congress

I'm running for Congress in Iowa. I've been a member of S.E.E.S. for the last 3 months, and I'm proud to represent my party in the Congressional elections this month. I have only one campaign promise for you: if I'm elected, I pledge to stay in Congress till the end of the month.




3. Loss of Karnataka

Americans have started moving out of Karnataka. Our population there is down to 2,400. A lot of zombies will be left behind there. Many Americans that have companies there will lose money with their companies staying behind. Did this have to happen? I interviewed last month's Indian President, and this is what he had to say:

Q: So India asked for 1500, and USA offered 600. But just to continue the deal for 2 months, the countries agreed to the price of 1300. Do you think that if the American negotiating team offered a more reasonable price that the deal could've continued unobstructed, and out of the press? USA would have been allowed to keep the region and all this would have never gotten into the public eye. Just as the current compromise deal of 1300 gold was reached, a similar deal that could have gone on indefinetely where USA keeps Karnataka in good faith?

A: I wanted the full India, but if USA were agreed on 1500, I couldnt have asked for it to be returned for next 3 months. So the refusal of USA helped us get it sooner. Though many other senior players didnt want Karnataka back at the start of last month's negotiations, but USA negligence made them think the opposite.

Just for the record, it was Harrison Richardson who said "no" to the Indians when they asked for more money at the end of the 6-month lease agreement last month. His grandstanding cost us one of the most important regions in V1. In V2, Karnataka will probably not be as important, but USA lost a lot of respect in the world with Harrison Richardson's actions. Quite a few people from around the world were laughing about the fact that our key region can be negotiated away from us. We had a great victory to conquer this region. Too bad it was taken from us away from the battlefield.


4. New ally on the horizon

Interesting developments in Italy in the last 2 days. Spain and Italy have reached an agreement to divide the 2 Mexican HI Oil regions between themselves. I have talked to the Italian leaders in my capacity as the Ambassador to Italy, and this is what they had to say about the recent events:

"If you want to write something, make very clear the fact that EDEN gave us in 3 days a HI Region, and Phx-PEACE-Entente didn't give us anything in 2 years.

"We asked the French President to apologize for his attitude during the attack of Aquitaine. He laughed in our face for a whole week afterward, so what should we do? He made a deal with Huns, without telling us anything. He said also, "Italians are too weak" like we were "class B allies." We asked him to apologize. But he refused.

"So, Entante is dead."


5. Free trade ftw

As you know, gun prices have gone down to just over 2 dollars. Now, I've never considered myself a free trade supporter. My own Q1 WEP company is losing a lot of money. But, free trade is the way to go. The reason for this is that the money our government would make from increased tariffs would still be in dollars. We then have to convert that into gold to use it for battles etc. So, if we had a bit more dollars that wouldn't mean we would have more gold, because we still have to keep the value of the dollar to the gold at an advantageous peg. Here is a quote from Sydiot's great article


"Congress then sets the nation's budget based on how much Gold the CBO makes. Not based on tax revenue, not based on how much we can print. It is this number that measures the relative strength of our currency, of our economy, and sets the limit for how much the government can spend without killing the value of the dollar."

Thus, with free trade, all the consumer good are cheap, while our government has plenty of money for battles. This does mean however that if you want to run a business in USA, it is an uphill struggle. The benefit to the many here outweighs the benefit to the few.

So in conclusion, please move to Iowa on the 25th and vote Dante.

No fear DANTE is here 😉

Sincerely ,
Dante Alagherii, future Congressman


My opinion today

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