Danish Economists Win Nobel Prize in Economics! (And Peace)

Day 134, 13:40 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

BØRSEN, Denmark

Exciting news today as for the first time in history, Danish Economists have won the Nobel Peace Prize in Economics and Peace.

It was the noted economist and governmental advisor, Justansen Fnentson Johanneson jr den anden, who won the prize with his treatise on Danish Flexicurity.

In laymen's terms the brilliant thesis if applied correctly in other countries, will solve world poverty. The Danish scandinavian flexicurity model ensures peace, prosperity and economic wealth for everyone in the country.

The basic model dictates that if there are poor people in your country you should just print millions and millions of your own currency, and then give it out to the people, making everyone millionaires!

The idea is so brilliant that Mr. Johanneson jr den anden was surprised that no one had thought of it themselves. He stated that he wasn't surprised the economic-monkeys to the north hadn't figured it out, but he was shocked that other countries hadn't realized the advantages of making EVERYONE IN YOUR COUNTRY A FREAKING MILLIONAIRE. (The title of his book is MAKE EVERYONE IN YOUR COUNTRY A FREAKING MILLIONAIRE).

Denmark now looks forward to offering advice to poor countries in order to help them reach the economic elite.