Dangerous Ambition

Day 675, 14:06 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto
USA, 14:05 (Sep25) | Day 675 of the New World

Dangerous Ambition
We are a proud country, we have pull through the greatest war this World has ever seen. Our armed forces are up there with the best in the world our economy is back in gear and our population continues to out grow the rest in the world. We have been more then victorious in battle, taking on the top countries and triumphantly throwing them out of North America. All this renewed power and victory leads to several things, pride, international influence but above all it leads to ambition. There is a lot of talk about taking over Russia, Indonesia, Hungary. About annihilating these countries, taking them out completely. France, Colombia, UK should pay for their hostility!!! Is the prevalent feeling among many here in America.

We are a powerful nation capable of doing anything we really set our minds to, we have the military/economic power to back that up but such ambitious ideas or goals is dangerous. Our enemies have waged an imperialistic war, one whose goal has been power, riches and oppression. Why is it that we should go down the same path? Many will say that we aren't fighting for power or gold...that may be true in the beginning of our conquests but power ultimately corrupts people. Ambition can be a positive thing but too much of anything can be negative.

Should we continue to wage war against those who did so much damage to us? Of course we should, we must not let them breath or even hope of renewing their strength but we must be guided with discernment. What is and is not necessary, how far to go, how deep to drive. Too much and this war turns into an imperialistic one. Our goals must be set wisely and not ambitiously. High oil, high grain, high iron, high wood, regions with these resources will tempt us, they will almost beckon us to drive deeper to take more. We must have a steady mind and not waver from our set path of liberating the oppressed countries around the world. Its very easy to go from the liberator to the oppressor.

Its important to be seeking justice and not revenge, revenge knows no limits, it sole goal is to create suffering and destruction. Justice on the other hand is the responsible act of implementing on our enemies circumstances that will keep them from hurting us in the future. That is what we do on the social level, if a man robs a bank he is sent to jail in order that he may not have the ability to commit that crime again. Lets put aside the childish feeling of revenge, lets instead pursue righteous justice. It is the responsible thing to do, it is the right thing to do. Lets set an example to the world, making the actions we take now benchmarks for the world tomorrow.

Quote of the day - "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
-Ingo Castilho-

Editor's Corner - Heritage
It is important to teach new citizens, and to remind ourselves, of our heritage:

# of why and how we became a nation,
# of the basic principles and documents upon which the country was founded,
# of what it took to achieve today's standard of living,
# of the mistakes we've made and,
# of the individuals and events that have played major roles in shaping the country.

Appreciating one's heritage is a prerequisite for taking actions to sustain it. Being aware of our heritage helps us to appreciate what we have and to see our shortcomings so they can be addressed.

American Media Mogul Project: DAY 4

New citizens? Read this!!!
TIPS: For New Citizens

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Best regards,
Ingo Castilho ~ official writer & reporter
Nero Preto ~ press director & publishing editor