Dan Wang for New Jersey

Day 696, 22:30 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Hey guys, this isnt my piece, but a friend doesnt have a newspaper and needed a place to put his platform. I did not write anything between the underscore line dealios. Sorry to any subscribers that expected something from me, hope you still love me as much as i love you 😃

Also: The reason my company guide isnt posted yet is ive lost my external hard drive (it has all my musics too 😑) where I had the notepad document saved. So yeah, sorry. I will find it or rewrite it soon.

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Dan Wang for New Jersey

I'm running for Congress in New Jersey for America's Advancement Party because I feel compelled to make a difference in the way the eUSA is run. I have been a proud, dedicated, and active citizen of the eUSA for several months now, but there are some matters should be changed.

Perhaps the most important of these is our tax policy. As some may recall, there was a relatively close Congress fight over an increase in food taxes. The opponents of this bill stated that taxes would cause ordinary citizens to suffer. However, the price of q2 food, which provides a player enough wellness to work at a q1 company and to train, costs just over $1. The recently passed bill increased taxes by just 4%. In other words, players will have to just a nickel more for food. Higher quality foods will cost more, but those players are also generally more experienced and can absorb an increase of a quarter without much real difficulty. Therefore, there is very little sacrifice on the part of each citizen, but with 20,000 of us, it adds up to a lot of money for the government.

The government will then use the money for such programs like Meals on Wheels, which provides free food for newer players, so the money is eventually coming back to you, not just disappearing. Other uses include strengthening our military, to prevent our recent calamity from happening again, as well as to eventually liberate Washington and Alaska.
Therefore, I will support higher taxes in other industries, in accordance with the leftist views of my party. There seems to be a growing disconnect between the government and the people, but you should remember that every action I support will affect me as well as you. Even if it won't get me as many votes, I will always do the right thing for this country.

If you support my views and wish to vote for me, but do not live in New Jersey, just send me a mail regarding this matter and I will pay for two moving tickets, one to move there and the other to move back. For any other questions, mail either me or my campaign aide, Phil Lam.

Citizens of eNJ and the eUSA, I send my thanks and appreciation.
Dan Wang
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If you have any questions regarding his campaign, please ask him as I am not personally involved.

Good luck Dan,

I suggest all players visit the eUSA official forums, and those who have not already done so check out this guide to hospital use, fighting, and wellness.

It is also imperative that all players read and follow orders as described in the Department of Defense Newspaper as often as possible.