DAL/CPP Writers' Challenge: A Reminder

Day 1,205, 09:33 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

Before I inevitably get banned again for one thing or another, I thought I would get this article out. After tirelessly promoting the Writers' Challenge all over IRC which was a throwback to my days of shamelessly annoying people until they joined the RFP, the last WC article managed to make it into the top 5. For that, I thank you.

For those who missed it, the contest is still very much open: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-writers-039-challenge-edition-v-1703082/1/20

If you have ideas for topics, feel free to comment in that article or this one.

A few announcements:

*The deadline has been extended to 8pm PT (eRepublik time) on Saturday. I hope that certain somebody will get their article in by then.
*The People's Choice Award will be opened right after the deadline closes, so watch for that.
*Both of my last 2 articles got 55 votes. It would be cool if we could make it 3.

Also, I forgot to thank Chochi in the last WC article for suggesting the idea of a People's Choice Award. Thank you, Chochi.

Any questions or concerns can be directed towards me (Dominik) or Head Judge and writer extraordinaire, Plugson.

Here are the three submissions we have received thus far:

(John Cleese) http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-wc-role-play-rant-bonanza-a-response-to-kelly-an-supa-1705065/1/20
(Kelly Mahoney) http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-wc-in-game-or-offline-you-039-re-essentially-the-same-person-1704800/1/20
(Supabeasty) http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-wc-a-different-life-1703904/1/20

The topic for those who missed it is Real life personality and in-game character. To what extent is the in-game character and conduct of a player a reflection of their real-life personality?

Again, more details can be found in the main WC article.

There better be at least 3 more [WC] tags in the media by Saturday. Good luck!

Also, I get complaints that my articles don't have enough pictures. So here are pictures of a parrot and a chainsaw respectively for that crow😛
