Daily Voting Record

Day 586, 00:23 Published in USA USA by seeker1

As promised, I submit my first daily voting record. It is not fancy, but it does let you know what I am doing.

Voting Record

6/27/09 Transfer 99,999 USD to CBO Yes Standard money managemet

6/27/09 Lower import taxes on Gifts from 25% to 10% No

The following is what I wrote on an eUS forum hidden from the public:



Posts: 24

Re: Proposal: Lower Gift Import Taxes to 10%
« Reply #34 on: Today at 04:08:33 pm » Quote Modify Remove

I vote no, as I will on any proposal to lower tariffs until two conditions are met. The proponents of "free trade" must establish specific quantatative criteria by which we can measure the "success" or "failure" of the policy. During the several weeks of debate on the broad issue of "free trade", we have seen many assertions about how the eUS would benefit dfrom such a policy. We have seen no means presented by which we could evaluate the truth or falsity of these assertions.

Before my election to Congress I raised this question. At that time, I was told that establishing measurable criteria of success or failure was too hard. I was also told that it was the opponents' responsibility to establish such criteria. That is an unacceptable answer. It is the responsibility of those advocating change to tell the rest of us how they would determine if that change is at all beneficial.

Equally, perhaps more disturbing, is the advocacy of economic embargos to force countries that fail to engage in "free trade" to do so. Embargoing another nation could easily be interpreted as an act of war and invite both economic and military retaliation. In a world as unstable as eRepublic, it is beyond belief that NOBODY has bothered to consider the potential effect of such an action on our economic and military security.

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Senator from Maine
AAP Director of Public Relations
Lieutenant, Home Guard, Company B, 3rd Platoon