Dail Eireann and Irish Social Contract

Day 465, 12:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Michael Holcomb

Dail Eireann Election

I'd like to begin by saying a heartfelt thank you to the voters of the Northeast Region for electing me to the Dail Eireann and for giving me this opportunity to serve. This is a small region, and a more rural region if such a thing exists in eRepublik.

My Votes Thus Far

In my time thus far serving as a Teachta Dala I have cast three official votes in Dail Eireann. With regards to the proposal I made to raise the minimum wage, I voted yes. Which shouldn't surprise you.

My second vote was on the issue of raising the importation tax on diamonds. As it was a small tax increase and the Dail is considering setting up another state corporation I voted in favor of it because I wanted the additional revenue.

My third vote, on the impeachment of the Taoiseach, Nithraldur. I voted no. There was no place for discussion and I can't think of any reason why I would want to remove the Taoiseach. Other than his being from another Party, he has done nothing with which I find great fault. And his being from the IUP is certainly not an impeachable offense, nor would I want to serve in a natioanl legislature that could be swayed to impeach based on political reasons.

My Social Contract

I pledge to the voters of the Northeast and the citizens of Ireland as a whole that I will protect your social welfare, economic position, and political rights. And that I will make my best efforts to grow your economy and raise your economic well being. I am a socialist, I believe in socialism, and I will protect and work to regulate the state owned industries. I will fight to see the Dail take more action to create wealth and equality for the people of this country.

Finally, I pledge myself to a dialogue with other members of the Dail, the Government, and the United Kingdom's Government with regards to Northern Ireland. I won't say that we can necessarily get the North back, but I think that with conversation and greater discussion we can come to some conclusion that will make all sides satisfied that an effort has and is being made.