D11: Training Contracts?

Day 4,455, 05:06 Published in USA USA by Jacob Ferguson

Today I was prompted with something on sale that I had heard of: a training contract. It said that for the low, low price of only FIFTY-THREE GOLD, I could train at 90% reduced prices on the training grounds. Does this equate to a good investment? How long does this 90% discount last? Does it pay for itself in Super Soldier medals? It certainly doesn't seem like it will just training on my under-level training grounds, which are Q3 Q1 Q1 Q1 respectively.

Does the Erepublik Tools tool for training, when using the 90% contract, take into account the price of the contract itself? I may take a look at that and see if it's worth it because I have the gold to get it, I just don't want that gold to go to waste since it's hard for a level 26 with no real source of steady income to build up 53G in a reasonable amount of time.

Next, I will once again voice my disdain for the country's daily order. It appears that there was an unauthorized training war initiated yesterday, and by a stroke of misfortune, that was selected as the battle of the day to interact with. It drew people's attention away from other important conflicts and apparently opened up opportunities for bad actors to develop a strategy to take us on. I'm waiting with bated breath and a big stick or two to get into a real battle and hopefully save our country from a fate it faced apparently not long before I returned.

Finally, I want to apologize for delving too deep into politics yesterday. It appears as though those types of articles turn off the media consuming public, not only because it's competing with presidential campaigns for the political newspaper article top spots, but also because it is not the most compelling read. I did learn a lot thanks to the comments on why training wars are strategic and necessary to keep our borders safe. Better to have allies continuing to battle over your border states than enemies I suppose.

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