Cypher Rahl for the Alberta Trilogy!

Day 703, 18:09 Published in Canada Canada by Cypher Rahl

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I Cypher Rahl am proud to announce that I am seeking re election to Congress in the great Province of Alberta!

Two months ago I ran here in hopes of gaining my first term and you the people were able to see my way to congress. Then again last term the great members of the Canadian public again helped me to stand in congress as your representative. Today i ask you for your support for a third time in securing a seat as one of your great Alberta congressmen!

As a member of the DAL i have learned to take everyones opinions to heart and to step forward with many diverse opinions and outlooks on Canada's needs. I have always stood for accountability and transperency for at the end of the day the people have a right to know how and why your government spend and do what they do.

I have and will continue to support the expansion and training of our great CAF from top to bottom. We must focus on strengthening our entire army from the rangers and reserves to our great many regulars and elites. We are a proud member of EDEN and in so must bring nothing but our strongest A game to the table when defending and fighting for the right that every country deserves to freedom. Using funds to boost the overall strength of our forces is vital and that includes the great many members of our private Canadian forces such as Bruck's Canucks. Such groups sacrafice goals of riches to insure weapons are there for the fight and that is nothing but a great strength to our country.

As our Brolliance continues to rid North America of the last remaining PEACE forces we continue to work on stablizing our economy. We need to insure fair prices and wages for all Canadians while allowing for a competative market that benefits all of us!

There is still alot of work left to do and i wish to be one of the men and women here to see that when the dust settles our proud and great nation stands tall with all her allies.

Alberta and Canada I ask that you again return me to Congress as your representative!

Vote Cypher Rahl DAL ALberta!