CvP Presidential Hopeful Refuses to Answer Challenge

Day 600, 19:41 Published in USA USA by Angelini

Conservative Party Pesidential hopeful Ajay Bruno has refused to answer a challenge asking for proof on who has been attacking whom. The challenge was issued in the comments section of Ajay's latest article.

The challenge is as follows (the following excerpts are from the comments section of Ajay's latest article):

Ajay Bruno: That street goes both ways. Also, you are twisting what I said. You attacked me for standing up for my beliefs. Sorry, not going to conform for anyone. I am who I am. I believe what I believe.

Angelini: You like to use that word; "Attack"

In none of our conversations have I ever attacked you. I have, *one* time called you a name. I was wrong to do that. I will admit it. In doing so I lowered myself to your level. You want "proof"? I'm willing to post whole transcripts of a conversation we had together. I am willing to let people see and judge exactly who attacked whom. Are you willing to do this?

Ajay Bruno: If you have nothing positive to contribute then please cease.

Angelini: Please answer my question. Is there a reason for you to not want a transcript published? I'm willing to comprimise if you'd like. I post one transcript and you can post one transcript.

You like to say you're all about letting people make their own decision and having a voice. Give them all sides of a story. Allow them to make an entirely informed decision.

End of excerpt

At the time of publication, Ajay Bruno has still failed to respond to the challenge. One can only speculate of course, but why would someone that's been attacked by me not want to prove to the world he's telling the truth and and silence me once and for all? What could he possibly have to fear by something like that going public?

I leave it to you to decide.


In a related note, Ajay Bruno entered the Conservative Party IRC chat room today (#cvp3) under the guise of Mattoze5 (as many of you know, Mattoze5 is the current Party President of the CvP) and proceeded to announce his resignation and throw his support behind Ajay as PP. We know that it was Ajay and not Mattoze by performing an IP check. The IP address used for Mattoze today is the same that Ajay uses.

In an article written by Ajay recently (the article in question was deleted due to eRep privacy laws) he lambasted a member of the CvP council for "impersinating someone" when he changed his name from his own to the name of another party member.

Again, I find myself scratching my head at the contradictory actions being taken by Ajay Bruno. Since he won't respond to me (despite his shout urging any and all questions from party members) I urge you all to ask Ajay, what is the truth? What does he have to hide here.