CV James for South East Congress

Day 488, 04:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by CV James

No snappy soundbite, just me, CV James asking for votes from all those in the South East in Wednesday's congressional elections. As one of the incumbent MPs for the South East, I will be seeking re-election and hope to defend my seat.

I have served the South East and eUK for the past 3 terms and have immensely enjoyed my time as an MP and the chance the electorate has given to me. I am not the type of citizen to take the role lightly - get the 5 gold and the "title" and then make no effort to carry out the role entrusted upon me, I do keep very much up to date with events around eUK and around the world, I am very active on the forums and I do debate legislation in the Commons.

I have voted on every single in-game proposal and have a very high voting record on all Commons votes.

As Party President and founder of the Movement for Democratic Unity, eUK's fourth largest party, I am a dedicated, hard working and motivated politician. I am friendly and (I hope) approachable to anyone should they need help, advice or reccomendations. As a relatively experienced citizen of the South East, I know how the game, the country and the new world works, and I can use this to better serve your region.

My Credentials

Party President of the MDU for 2 previous terms (I am now on my third),
South East Congress for 3 months,
Ministry of Information and Education Apprentice,
Founder of the South East Regional Council,
South East Regional Council Chairman for the past term,
MDU Party Chairman

What can I do for you?
I want to bring Parliament to the people - I want to increase political debate on a regional level and give citizens of the South East a chance to have their say on all legislation debates going on in the House of Commons. I am not swayed by party politics and as my past term has shown can work well with all politicians regardless of party persuasion - the prosperity of the South East will not be hampered by inter-party arguing if I am elected.

There are lots of great candidates out there for you, but for experience, dedication and hard work, I ask you consider myself, CV JAMES as your Congressman for another term.

Thanks for your time