Current US affairs

Day 1,447, 12:31 Published in USA Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

There isn't much to do out here on the range in Montana. We just had our country elections, and GoalieBCSC is representing the west coast in the White House. His leadership will hopefully be a bright spot in these dark hours of WW5. The US economy is on shaky ground, but depending on what the new POTUS will do, we could be back to our former glory. Our loyal fighters in the eUSA have held up ok against the ONE invasion force, full of tanks, loyal players, and bots. Poland and Serbia aren't used to holding this much land and the resistance force has taken back a few areas, like Maryland. I wonder when the tide of this war will turn in our favor? Being about 11 days old and not really knowing what I am talking about, from what I have heard, when we gather our forces to push out these invaders, we will able to start worrying about foreign affairs, something we haven't done in awhile.
Speaking for foreign affairs, I was sad to see my great friend Penguin4512 step down from the Presidency in eSwitzerland, but glad to see the Swiss Freedom Party was still in power. And speaking of politics, GO LIBS!!!
I apologize to the readers about my use of stream of consciousness, most people don't like articles written in that format. And as always, stay thirsty my friends
And some food for thought...