Cuando se va un grande / When the good ones leave us

Day 1,176, 00:53 Published in Spain Spain by saik

English below

Perry vuelve \o/

Sin duda me hubiese gustado retomar el periodico con otra motivación completamente diferente a la que me hace escribir este articulo desde el semi-retiro en el que se esta tan comodo.

Como veis el en el titulo, se va un grande y un amigo, pero sobre todo uno de los referentes humorísticos en la prensa eRepublicana. Dejandonos para la historia numerosos artículos con los que nos hemos reido o almenos nos ha hecho sonreir desde su critica aguda y perspicaz.

Las colaboraciónes con este periodico han sido numerosas, desde aportar gold y tanques para los concursos a poder participar en las primeras Press Wars, con un total de más de 7000 votos entre los dos articulos y que sin lugar a dudas me permitió obtener un numero muy importante de suscritos extranjeros que de otra manera y con las posibilidades actuales hubiese sido practicamente imposible de obtener.

Hasta siempre Nano, el mejor enemigo posible.

Animaros y leeros lo que hay a continuacion que lo suyo me ha llevado traducirlo 🙂

Articulo de despedida

Hilo en el foro sobre los motivos de su despedida.

Aqui la traduccion de los motivos y como no, verdades como puños.


Hace ya tiempo, los Admins publicaban un periodico explicando sus decisiones y cambios que iban a introducir en el Nuevo mundo. Este periodico, llamado eRepublik Insider, desaparecio hace ya 8 meses. La razon es simple, cada vez que los Admins publicaban algo, eran criticados hasta la extenuacion, en vez de escuchar a la comunidad prefirieron ignorarla y cerrar el periodico.

En vez de esto, el amigo Plato spamea nuestra bandeja de entrada con los pocos cambios que se atreve a compartir con los pobres mortales. Obviamente, se le olvido decir que el BOT que compraba productos habia sido activado, o que la productividad se habia reducido a la mitad.

Resumiendo, los Admins no te van a escuchar mas. Si echas un vistazo al foro, veras las veces que Plato responde a las preguntas de los ciudanos. ¡No les importa una **** mierda lo que tu pienses!


El juego, esta oficialmente traducido en 5 idiomas de acuerdo con la pagina de inicio. No entiendo como una empresa se atreve a llamar a eso traduccion. Solo hablare de la traduccion al frances, al ser mi idioma, aunque tambien conozco los errores en la traduccion al español.

La traduccion al frances es simplemente increible. ¿Como pueden hacer un juego serio si el termino partido lo han traducido a fiesta? Y esto sin considerar los innumerables bugs de cada lengua, como el que te impide aceptar una solicitud de amistad de otros jugadores. Es casi comico como se avisa a los nuevos jugadores que jueguen en ingles en vez de en su lengua.

¿Podeis imaginarlo? He mandado tickets por este motivo e indicaron que estaria resuelto a finales del 2011, estamos en Febrero del 2011 y todo sigue igual. Solo motrad un poco de respeto a la lengua que parece que hablais igual que si fuese Coreano.

Modulo militar

Habeis dicho que escuchais a los jugadores y explicado por ejemplo que prohibisteis publicar en el extranjero para prevenir el spam. ¿Por que no escuchais a los jugadores que pider limitar los WP? Es gracioso ver como jugadores como Bogdan o BattalGazi hacen el mismo daño que 11000 jugadores franceses, y por supuesto, cien por cien realista.

Pero vamos a hablar ahora del boton de retirada, o de la posibilidad de abrir multiples RW, atacar varias regiones o decidir cuando una batalla empieza y acaba.No vamos a mencionar el que hallais quitado las diferentes armas, o quitar el coste de los ataques. ¿No recordais lo importante que era la preparación para un ataque a las antiguas fortalezas?¿Lo epico de esas batallas? Simplemente habeis decidido eliminarlo y esperar lo mejor. ¿Donde queda la estrategia?

Eso sin mencionar que habeis dividido los rangos por 10 de un dia para otro. Por supuesto, no avisasteis y aquellos que usan Mastercard tienen un rango que nunca alcanzaremos. Tampoco podemos olvidar el uso de scrip.ts y bots usados por muchos paises y ni siquiera habeis echo el esfuerzo de hacer algo.


Desde el "exito" de eRepublik, la economía ha sufrido el problema de la sobreproduccion. Empezasteis rompiendo el juego cuando ocultasteis las formulas aplicadas a los jugadores y esa fue vuestra primera falta de informacion hacia este modulo. Desde entonces, la habeis modificado numerosas veces, eso si, sin decir ni una palabra.

Habeis borrado regularmente ofertas del MM e incluso habeis creado un Bot que decis ahora que esta desactivado. Nos habeis mentido porque sigue aqui, comprando productos y moneda en un ejercicio claro de que esto no os importa. Os habeis dado el poder de crear moneda de la nada, algo que solo los paises podian. Riamonos juntos de los recursos, aun estamos esperando la migracion de la piedra y la eliminacion del petroleo/ hospitales/casas y sistemas defensivos.

Lo mas gracioso de todo esto es que el botse implemento justo despues de que puediesemos trabajar en nuestras empresas a diario. En vez de reconocer que os equivocasteis, tratasteis de disimularlo comprando productos en el mercado. El resultado: Las monedas se devaluaron escandalosamente e incluso dividiendo su valor entre 2. Los españoles tienen que estar muy felices, siempre intentando tener un valor alto para nada. Pero posiblemente, es mejor poner un popup preguntando si sigues ahi. Bravo! Os habeis cargado la economia.


El modulo que me preocupa. ¿Por donde empezamos? ¿Deberia hablar de la censura? El nivel de moderacion ha alcanzado el nivel de Corea del Norte. Censurais articulos sin tan siquiera entender lo que dicen. Hace poco vi un Coreano siendo "advertido" por vulgaridad cuando de hecho no escribio nada malo. Me han borrado 11 articulos durante mi vida en eR.

Habeis censurado una imagen de manga y otra de una estatua griega por pornografia y baneado a algunos jugadores granceses por escribir insultos cuando no era asi. Y luego estan los "debates públicos", motivo para censurar articulos cuando no tienen nada que ver, o como hicisteis con uno mio que ni tenia texto.

Me acuerdo cuando empece a jugar, apenas habia moderacion. Ahora tenemos tanta censura como los peores regimenes de la VR. Sois intolerantes, habeis fichado incompetentes. ¿Sabeis el tiempo que hemos invertido en nuestros periodicos? No respetais los esfuerzos puestos en este juego, no pidais respeto para vosotros.


¿No poder apelar tras el septimo FP? ¿Estais de coña? Desgraciadamente, asi es y aun quereis hacerme creer que es un sistema justo. Y cuando llegamos a ellos, poneis un articulo que habia sido censurado 2 meses atras creyendo que esto lo arregla.¿A cuantos os han censurado un articulo? Con este sistema seguro que a unos cuantos.

Pero siempre podremos abrir un hilo en el foro, nos quiteis el FP y borreis el hilo. ¿Doble moral?


Añadisteis estos paises: FYROM/Macedonia, Egypt, Taiwan, Belarus, Cyprus, UAE y Saudi Arabia.

Es una horrible combinacion de paises conflictivos en la VR y por supuesto los Emiratos Arabes con multitud de jugadores tarjeteros. Debe haceros gracia ver jugadores discutiendo por tenminos de la VR. Por supuesto no estoy en conta de ello, pero por que estas y a la vez.No solo sois buenos haciendo que la gento os odie, tambien haceis que la gente se odie entre ellos.


Vuestro juego es un queso de gruyère. Vuestras herramientas son incapaces de detectar a aquellos que encuentran huecos en vuestro codigo. Conozco a un jugador frances que creo mas de 30 multicuentas en un dia, pudiendo obtener 400G ¿Y sabeis que? Sigue jugando pese a haber utilizado esos 400G.

Sobre los hackeos, Me he divertido comprando armas Q5 por nada cuando jugadores pudieron crearlos por nada y tampoco hicisteis nada por ello. Mas tarde encontrasteis un fallo en los anuncios y en vez de corregirlo, directamente los quitasteis. Quitasteis la posibilidad a los jugadores de ofrecer ofertas de gold. Os tengo que aplaudir.

No voy a hablar de los innumerables bugs que cada jugador se ha encontrado al menos 2 veces.

Adios y grcias por destrozar el buen concepto que habia hace 3 años

*Sorry for my bad english 😁

No doubt I would have liked to return the paper with other reasons that i have today.

As you can see in the title, a great journalist and a friend leave us. One reference in the global press and one of the best humouristic writers is leaving us.

The collaborations with this newspaper have been many, ranging from tanks to provide gold for the contests or the pleasure of taking part in the first Press Wars, with more than 7000 votes between the two articles and that certainly allowed me to get a lot of foreign subs that with the current opportunities have been practically impossible to obtain.

Take care and good luck my friend.

Nanos bb article

Here is the message posted on the forum.


Once upon a time, Admins published a newspaper explaining to players their latest decisions. EI (Erepublik Insider) disappeared 8 months ago. The reason for that is simple: every time the admins published a new article, they were criticized in the comments. Instead of listening to the complaints, the Admins preferred ignoring them and closing the journal. Nice understanding effort on their behalf! Instead, our new (resurrected) friend Plato spams our our inbox with the few game changes he dares sharing with us, poor mortals. Because obviously, he forgot to tell us that the economy BOT had been activated, or that productivity had been cut in half! Thanks for letting us bliss of ignorance! To put it shortly, admins do not listen to you anymore. Look at this forum, read the threads and look at how many time Plato answers them. Admins don’t give a **** about what you think!


The game has officially been translated into 5 languages according to the start page. I don’t know how a company, with a business-oriented mindset, can even bother to call those translations. I will only talk about the French translation, because I’m French, but I know that it is also the case in the Spanish version. So the French version is …. a nameless horror. How do you want your game to be credible to players when the “Party” tab is translated “Fête” (as in, party with friends, having fun etc...) ? And that’s without even considering the numerous bugs which are specific to each language, like the bug which makes us unable to approve friend requests from other players! It is laughable to a point that French players advise new players to play with the English version of the game. Can you imagine that? I sent many tickets about related issues and was answered that it was a high priority issue and that a new module would be implemented by the end of 2010 in order to help it being solved. We are in February, 2011, and nothing has been done about it! Please, at least for the French version, show some respect to a language that you seem to speak as if it were Korean!

Military Module:

You say you listen to players, and explained for example that you forbid publication of articles in other countries in order to prevent spamming. Why then don’t you listen when players beg you to reconsider Wellness Packs and their numbers of uses? Yes, it is sometimes funny to watch the likes of Bogdan or BattalGazi make as much damages in a battle as 1100 French players, and also, very realistic. let’s not talk as well about the suppression of the “Retreat” button, of the impossibility to launch multiple RW, to decide attacking multiple regions or to decide when a fight will start or end. We will not mention of course the suppression of the different weapons (after you decided that they should be fundamentally unbalanced), or the suppression of attack costs. Don’t you remember how important the preparation for attacking a bastion such as Lion King was ? How epic the battles were ? Now you don’t even try to correct the flawed parts of the game. You just delete them and wish for the best. Where is strategy now? That’s of course
without mentioning the fact that you divided the ranking scale by 10 from one day to the other. Of course, you did not warn us, and those who used their Mastercard during the blessed days to gain rank are now almost unreachable. And let’s not forget the scripts and bots which are used by almost all countries, as you don’t even try to do something about them. I myself spread the script which removes the “Are you still there?” window. I don’t know why players complain: you don’t do anything about it, so we’d better use the weapons of our enemies!


From the “success” of eRepublik, economy has suffered from a crucial problem: overproduction. You started breaking that part of the game the day you decided to hide the formulas applied to it to players, and this was only the first of your disinformation in the economic module. Since then, you keep changing the formula without telling us. You deleted offers on the monetary market regularly. You even created a Bot which you told us has been deactivated. You lied to us, and it is still here, buying our money and products in order for you not to have to bother about the mechanics behind the game. You gave yourself the power only countries have: creating money. Let’s also laugh together at the resources. We are still waiting for the Stone migration. or the suppression of the Oil/MT/Hospital/House. The funniest thing with the bot is that it was implemented just after you offered the possibility for players to work in all their companies daily. Instead of recognizing this was a mistake, you tried to dissimulate how stupid that was by creating a bot which buys products on the market. I keep thinking I’m dreaming, but you really did it! The result:most country saw their currency’s value divided by 2. Spanish people must be happy: they always tried to keep their currency at a high value now have one that is worth nothing. It is probably funnier to add a popup asking you if you are still there. BRAVO! You ruined the economy!


The one module I care about. Where to start? Should I talk about censorship? The level of moderation here reaches the level of North Korea. You censor quite a lot of articles without even understanding what is written. I recently saw a Korean being warned for “vulgarity” when he had in fact written nothing wrong at all! I had 11 articles deleted or censored during my long erepublik history, despite them being massively voted by players. You censored an image from a Japanese manga and one which was a picture of a Greek statue, both for Pornography, and you banned some French players for Insult when in fact they had written nothing insulting at all. And then there is the thing you call “Public Debate”. You often censor articles which have nothing to do with public debates, like you did with one of mine which did not even include text! I remember when I started playing: there was close to no moderation. Now we have as much censorship as some of the worse regimes on the planet. You are intolerant, and hired incompetents to be your goons on that module. Do you know how much time I (and other people) invested in my newspaper? You don’t respect the efforts I put into this game, don’t ask for me to respect yours.


No appeal before the 7th FP? Is that a joke? Sadly, it isn’t. You want me to believe it’s a fair and equal system? How many have reached those 7FP? And when we eventually reach it, putting back an article which was censored 2 months ago will not correct the wrong done by the mod who censored it. Even worse, what I witnessed last week: Nalaja complained on the forum about a stupid FP. He was pardonned and the topic was erased. Double standard much? Your system is totally unfair! How many got their article or post injustly censored? With such a system, they must have been quite a few!


Among the last countries which were adde😛 FYROM/Macedonia, Egypt, Taiwan, Belarus, Cyprus, UAE and Saudi Arabia.

That’s an awful lot of IRL-conflicted countries! and of course emirates with high numbers of Visa/Mastercard owners. Do you have fun watching people torn apart almost exclusively because of IRL conflicts? I for one think it is disgusting! Of course, I am not against the creation of those countries, but why them? Why all at once? Not only are you good at making player hate you, but you also make them hate one another! You have a true gift!


Your game is a gruyère. Your tools are unable to track those who profit from the holes in your code. I know a French player who made 30 multies the day they could go from level 1 to 21 in a few steps, and made 400G doing so. Guess what? He was never botheredand keeps playing using those fake golds. About hacks now: I myself enjoyed buying many Q5 Helicopters and Tanks for nothing when a player made those available at a fraction of the price. And you did nothing about it! You can’t do anything about it! lately, you discovered a flaw in the advertising module. Did you correct it? NO! You suppressed the ability for players to use it and used it as a way to promote gold offers! Once more, I have to clap with both hands. And I’m not even talking about the numerous bugs that every single player has met at least once or twice.

I’d have so much to tell about the many disappointments I had with this game, but it would be a far too colossal topic, so I’ll stop here. You know why I waited that long to stop playing? Up until recently, I candidly thought there were some chances for the game to improve. Now, I think it is doomed.

So goodbye, and thank you for ruining the good concept which was there three years ago.

Jarto de pegar solo?

Si es asi y buscas pegadas conjuntas, concursos gratuitos y buen rollo..



*Faltan por añadir