CSD Leadership

Day 288, 20:31 Published in Canada Canada by David Eastcorner

To begin with, I would like to state my endorsement of jbdivinius as the new leader of the CSD. Now I know he's not the new leader yet, but I believe he stands a VERY good chance of becoming the party's new leader. A much better chance than I will ever have.

Ever since I've known him, jbdivinius has never ceased to amaze me. Like me, he is new to Erepublik, but has become the mayor of Charlottetown, and a congressman. For a new player this is a remarkable achievement. In all the time I've played (which I admit isn't that long) I have never seen someone rise up so fast.

Since the running platform I came up with is nearly the same as his, I decided to step out of the running and instead support jbdivinius. I believe he will reshape Canada into an even better nation than we are now.

So CSD members, please vote for jbdivinius. He will make eCanada the best it can possibly be!

David Eastcorner,
CSD congressman