CSD: Explaining Dabmans PP Ticket

Day 538, 21:00 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

Title: [EPIC]Better Late Than Never

I think some people would like to know the results of EPIC’s primary no?

My “timeline” says this announcement was made February 2’nd, so it appears as though I lied. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me 🙁

I usually have more to say about primaries, but this time around things went quite smoothly. All commentary was positive feedback, except one person who noted that I failed to take out the [insert date] in one of my copy/pasta’s 😛 Unlike most primaries, Kronos won by a landslide, and we didn’t even have multiple rounds. But before we get on with the results, here’s a neat desktop background if you’re interested.

And now, our beautiful blue graphs.

Like I mentioned earlier, KQ wins with an 86% majority, and it appears as though he’s claimed victory in the election today, so congreatulationsX2 😃 Unfortunately we only managed to get 37 votes cast, so participation isn’t quite where I’d like it to be. Any ideas on how to improve this are welcome.

Since there wasn’t a whole lot to report, as an extra here’s the results of member’s “second preference” vote.

So interestingly enough, though those figures aren’t conclusive, Simon is a safe bet for the runner up.

This delicious bowl of rice is actually a Portkey designed to warp you to the actual Primary results. Just give it a click o/

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