Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War

Day 736, 14:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Dagda

eDate: Day 736 of the New World

This issue will cover the eUK's attack of eSweden and eUSA, and the current congressional elections here in eIreland.

Havoc!: The eUK Attacks
Three hours ago, our allies under the Raleigh Treaty, the eUK, attacked eMaine, eUSA and eNordjylland, eSweden. It appears that the eUK has given into the demands of Widdows9000; who had stolen a great deal from the eUK treasury about a week ago. His terms were to attack the eUS, but because the eUK did not adhere to his demands in the specified time frame of 24 hours he added eSweden to the list. The attack on the eUSA has put our wargames with them on hold, simply because of the eUSA's need to defend its borders. President Patton has made it clear that eIreland's current stance on the war is neutral.

Congressional Elections
The congressional elections are today and there are some 92 candidates in the running for the 40 seats that the Dail has to offer. But there is some risky business out there with the selling of votes and other unethical campaign practices. We can only hope that those who are not running the cleanest of campaigns don't make it in to the Dail. Choose wisely eIreland.

That's all. Again thanks for reading.