Crusadercarl for Congress.

Day 1,160, 22:23 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Crusadercarl

Kia ora🙂

My names CC and I would very much like to represent the good people of Canterbury in Congress again.

Unfortunately I have no gift for articles and don’t even really know what to write to convince you lol.

What have I done for u lately? Hmm, let’s see...

Well, I have started an army unit in the NZDF in an attempt to dispel the common perception that the eNZ Army is ‘Serb’ controlled. If you are interested in joining please PM me.

I am dCP and work closely with our current Government; I believe in transparency in all things and encouraged our Aotearoa lead congress to post explanations of proposals on the eNZ forums, which I believe is a small but significant step towards eNew Zealand unity that is sorely lacking at the moment.

I like to think I did my bit in the recent landswaps, rotating troops through a Q5 weapons company and also babysitting battles to make sure we were comfortably safe at the end of the rounds.

I am also becoming famous for my drunken rants on IRC. Please feel free to catch this show which I air almost every Friday:/ I am one of very few RL Kiwis in eNZ and feel very passionately about eNZ. I can usually bite my tongue during the week, but get a few rums in me and it all my hopes and dreams come gushing out lol. I am also gaining notoriety for my pathetic Saturday group apologies....

..I'm gonna call it a cultural flaw:/

Well I could probably dredge up a few more things, but I think we’ve all had enough of my writing for one day.

Vote for CC in Canterbury! Look, it rhymes, it's meant to be I tell u! Don't fight it😛