Croatia, If Its Wrong To Love You Then I don't Want To Be Right!

Day 749, 18:00 Published in USA USA by St Krems

Gentlemen, today I'm publicly coming out. I want to announce my love for a very special country. The article name sort of gives it away, I am of course lusting after Croatia.

I went into their channel with 1 hour left in Kyushu desperate to find more troops to move to the eUS. I was calmly directed to their MoD, who very simply assured me, &quot😉ont worry Krems, we are already there." About 5 minutes later I received a PM from their MoD saying, "We have come" and a link to the Kyushu battle. This is what I saw.

Ok well not exactly, I saw this instead which was even better

I can't physically describe how much seeing this meant to me after having to deal with MoFAs and MoDs of other countries who were far less organised and willing to send troops.

Now for some stats. Croatia provided the most damage of all of all our allies beating Romania's contribution by 3 times as much damage. This is remarkable. Consider that this wasn't an MPP battle where our allies could fight from home. All of these soldiers had to deploy to the eUS to fight and truly this shows their commitment as allies to our country.

These guys deserve a break inorite?

And then, after all this effort, all the money their own citizens spent from their own pockets, the Croatians released an apology to the eAmerican people for not doing enough to help us win. You can read it hear. After reading it I nearly wanted to manually move our borders closer so that we could give them a hug. you can read their article here:
Next Time We Will Be Even Stronger

Canada, Corea, Croatia..... I'm starting to see a pattern here.

Further thanks go out to our Bros to the North who kept our old friends the eUK off our backs for the duration of the battle battle and to eIndia who, with no obligation to us, managed to send us enough fighters on a half hours notice to deal roughly 40-45k damage to the wall, no mean feat for any country, especially one so small.

So thanks to all our Allies for their help today, we may not have won but we came damn close and next time our enemies wont be so lucky.

Hail Bros
Hail Croatia!

Want to show your thanks to Croatia? Then be sure to vote up this article in Croatia to let them know how much we care :3

Also: Got some time on your hands? Why not send Jewitt a PM voicing your support? Just click here and then click send. Only send it if you really mean it :3