Croacia Pinípedos #1

Day 835, 15:15 Published in Spain Croatia by Mile Gubica

How to start?
Maybee with:
Hail Spain! Hail Croatia! Hail EDEN!

I moved to Spain one hour ago just after i received confirmation that I can join the Armada. From today (evening of Day 835) I'm a member of Fuerzas Armadas Españolas in squad La vieja Guardie.

My short eCV
I was born on Day 592 of the New World (04.07.2009). From September that year I was a soldier in Croatian army. After six months as a Seal (Tuljan) or Pinipedos on Spanish I decided to look for a new e-Adventure within an EDEN ally state. And here I am - fighting for Spain. I hope we will have good battles to fight in and luck to win!
My battles:

Audaces fortuna iuvat!

Written on 2010-03-05...